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May 18 2010

"Naples, city for everybody, Naples city for the world": a march to say No to racism

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"Naples, city for everybody, Naples city for the world": a march to say No to racism
16 may 2010

On Sunday 16th May, in Naples, more than 10.000 people, among which many children, despite the bad weather have walked in an orderly way from Piazza del Gesù to Piazza Dante, to join the march "Naples, city for everybody, Naples city for the world" promoted by the Community of Sant’Egidio in partnership with Movimento dei Focolari, Consulta Diocesana delle Aggregazioni Laicali, Coordinamento Campano familiari Vittime Innocenti di criminalità, CGIL, CISL, UIL, UGL.


A message comes from this event: Naples is not only a problematic city. It’s an outpost of Europe in a Mediterranean area where the situation is becoming more and more critic, but wants to regain possession of a tradition of welcoming and solidarity.

The voices of the youth, who guided the march, told the story and the expectations of Naples children, that reveal a sight that is innocent but at the same time capable to understand the problems of the city and not resigned about Naples future.


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