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August 22 2016

Jubilee of Mercy with Sant'Egidio in Nakuru and Eldoret, Kenya

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In the event of the Jubilee of Mercy, in the past days the communities of Sant'Egidio of Kenya passed through the Holy Door in the towns of Nakuru and Eldoret with many poor friends: the children of the School of Peace together with the elderly, the sick and other friends. 

In Nakuru a group of street boys friends to the Community prepared and clothed themselves for the occasion; the joy for the waited event caused other street boys to join the feast and the mass with the passage through the Holy Door, in front of the astonished parish members. 
At the end of the afternoon spent together, one of them said: "I wasn't aware that going to church was that beautiful, I want to come always back here!"

November 7 2016

When violence is met with forgiveness, even the hearts of those who have done wrong can be conquered by the love

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT
October 20 2016

The Spirit of Assisi in Kenya: the meeting "Thirst for Peace" in Nakuru

July 30 2016

In Manila, the Jubilee Year of Mercy for Children and Young People with Sant'Egidio

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July 5 2016

The 'thrown away' elders of Mozambique on a pilgrimage, from loneliness to the mercy of the Jubilee

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | CA | HU
June 27 2016

In Pemba, a people of the poor and sick goes through the Holy Door with the Community of Sant'Egidio

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT
all the news
December 29 2017

Kenya, Natale in cella. Adesso arriva l'acqua

November 17 2016
Notizie Italia News

Dati: Periferie e centro, un Giubileo tra misericordia diffusa e riscoperta del cuore

November 13 2016
Avvenire - Ed. Milano

I clochard alla Porta Santa «Nessuno è buono da solo»

November 9 2016

I senza fissa dimora in Vaticano «Francesco, un grande amico»

November 9 2016
L'Osservatore Romano

Presentato nella Sala stampa della Santa Sede Giubileo degli esclusi

November 8 2016
Radio Vaticana

Giubileo degli emarginati. Sant'Egidio: il Papa è loro amico

the entire press review
October 10 2017

On 15th World Day Against the Death Penalty let us visit the poorest convicts in Africa

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The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty - XIII world day against the death penalty

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Arabie: trois hommes dont un Saoudien exécutés pour trafic de drogue

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Associated Press

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go to no death penalty


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