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June 20 2017

World Refugee Day: a story that shows the road of hope #WithRefugees #FaithOverFear

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The escape from the war in Syria, the encounter with the community of Sant'Egidio and Pope Francis, a new life. On the World Refugee Day, Nour's story shows a road and a hope for many people.

August 29 2017

New group of refugees from in Syria with humanitarian corridors: reached 900 lives saved

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July 18 2017

Berlin's youth message to Europe: No More Walls

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June 19 2017

World Refugee Day 2017. Ecumenical statement: to go beyond the fear of foreigners

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April 22 2017

Pope Francis' prayer in memory of the martyrs of our time. Photogallery of the visit

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April 22 2017

Pope Francis in the basilica St. Bartholomew prays with the Community of Sant'Egidio in memory of the New Martyrs

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all the news
March 13 2018

Flucht, Abi, Studium

February 21 2018

Rohingya: la crisi nei colloqui di Sant’Egidio con la premier del Bangladesh

February 14 2018

Der Weg bleibt beschwerlich

February 5 2018

Immigrazione: Comunità Sant’Egidio, oggi anche la ministra Fedeli alla consegna dei diplomi per mediatori interculturali

January 30 2018
La Vanguardia

Treinta sirios llegan a Italia con los llamados "corredores humanitarios"

January 29 2018
Agenzia Fides

Asia/Bangladesh - Una scuola per i bambini profughi Rohingya

the entire press review

Dossier: What are the humanitarian corridors

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