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November 19 2011 | BENIN

Benin - Pope Benedict XVI meets the Community of Sant'Egidio: "Thank you for what you do, there is a great need to dream"

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It is important to have a dream, indeed, "we must dream". Benedict XVI, on the second day of his visit in Benin, met in Cotonou some representatives of the Community of Sant'Egidio of this West African Country and of nearby Togo. Here is where the slave ships left for Brazil and North America.

Today however we must get rid of new forms of slavery. First of all the prejudice that come to consider as "witches" children and elderly people who have problems. The Pope spoke about this with Léopold Djogbede, the person responsible of the Community in Benin, thanking him for the speech he made a few days before on the same issue, during a meeting with the Angolan bishops. He also explained how the communication of the Gospel can heal many wounds within the African society and bridge gaps that sometimes seem impossible to fill, as those between rich and poor.

At the end, the plaque of the new house opened by Sant'Egidio to help street children was presented to the Pope. The house is called "Maison du Rêve", "House of Dream". Benedict XVI blessed and encouraged the Community to continue its work: "Thank you for what you do, because there is a great need to dream".

In the afternoon meeting with children from different districts of Cotonou, there was also a group of street children who are friends of the Community, who thanked the Pope for his particular blessing.


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