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August 17 2012 | LAHORE, PAKISTAN

Summer in Pakistan: trips in town with the School of Peace

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The weakening of the summer heat and the arrival of the first monsoon has enabled the communities in Pakistan to organize trips and days of play with the children of the School of Peace before the beginning of the school at the end of Ramadan.

In fact, during the hot season of the year, temperatures touch peaks of 50C° and it is difficult to organize outdoor activities. Especially this year, when the lack of electricity for several hours a day made ​​everything more complicated.

So in Lahore city picnics of late summer have been an opportunity to discover places never visited outside the Christian quarter of Yohannabad, as well as of great fun for young and old. And the way along the streets of the big city of Pakistan on board rikshaw excited the children.

More days with the School of peace were organized in the green garden of the Renewal Centre, where the children could draw and play together until nightfall.

In the city of Faisalabad, the School of Peace remained open during summer to celebrate the birthdays of children and organize trips to the playground in the city.

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