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May 13 2013 | PÉCS, HUNGARY

A march against anti-Semitism in the heart of Hungary

"The greatest danger to a nation is the hostility between ethnic groups"

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On May 9 a few hundred people commemorated the Holocaust victims deported from Pécs in 1944, with a march organized jointly by the Jewish community of Pécs and the Community of Sant'Egidio.

This year in the march was also the writer György Konrad, 80 years old, a Charlemagne Prize awardee, and a witness of the events of 1944.

At the celebration János Nagy, Head of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Pécs said: "Europe was born from the ashes of the Holocaust. But there is a dream, that different nations can live together without excluding the other."

György Konrád told reporters after the ceremony: "I appreciate so much the excellent work of the Community of Sant'Egidio, and of its founder Andrea Riccardi. He understood that the greatest danger to a nation is the hostility between ethnic groups" . The participants included representatives of various parliamentary parties, two vice-mayors,  and government spokesman Péter Hoppal, who made a short speech.


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