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July 2 2013

Together with the Pope in pilgrimage to Lampedusa:

May the island become a European border of welcoming. A declaration by Marco Impagliazzo

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The Community of Sant'Egidio accompanies the pilgrimage of Pope Francis to Lampedusa thus renewing theprayer for the victims of the journeys to Europe and the invitation to the Governments, the Parliaments and the European Community to make every effort to protect and safeguard the life and dignity of migrants.




The Community has brought to the international attention the terrible figure of 19,000 deaths during the journeys searching a better life since1988. We all need to know this tragedy and make every effort to avoid it.





Changing the island, in the center of the Mediterranean, into a peaceful border of welcoming and not a wall ofegoistic rejection is the goal that Sant'Egidio indicates toall Europeans of good will.



The hope is that the pilgrimage of Pope Francis may contribute to open everyone's eyes to a real drama, restoring hope, dignity and confidence to the poorest of the earth.

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