Barcelona (Spain) – In the Culture and Language School of the Community of Sant'Egidio, in the district of Raval, learning the art of “living together”
23rd may 2011
In the new foster house for poor people in Barcelona, called “Casa de San Lázaro” and opened last April, there was a meeting to present the “Peace People” movement to all the students attending the Culture and Language School of the Community of Sant'Egidio.
There were young immigrants coming from many different countries of Africa, Asia, America and Europe.
Many of them live in the area of Raval, in the historic centre of Barcelona, where the 40% of inhabitants are foreigners (mainly from Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and Morocco).
Therefore it is a district where the problem of integration among different cultures is particularly critical. Marocco). The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio has been strong for many years: the Community has been present here from 1997 and in the last years we succeeded in creating friendly ties among the inhabitants – chiefly Catalan elderly – and new foreigner citizens.
Just in the area of Raval it is recently opened the “Casa de San Lázaro”, a welcome centre of the Community of Sant'Egidio near the old Church of San Lázaro, where the Community usually meets for the prayer.