Residenz, Herkulessaal

Monaco 2011
11 Сентября 2011 16:30 ▾программа
- Chairperson
Community of Sant’Egidio, Germany
- Welcoming remarks
Cardinal, Archbishop of Munich and Freising
• Message from H.H. Benedict XVI to Cardinal Marx on the occasion of the Meeting “Bound to Live Together” - Religions and Culture in Dialogue IT | EN | DE | ES
Minister-President of Bavaria
- Opening speech
President of the Federal Republic of Germany
• Discorso del Presidente della Repubblica federale di Germania Christian Wulff all’Assemblea inaugurale della Preghiera per la Pace, Monaco 11 settembre 2011
- Introductory speech
Historian, Founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio
• Introductory speech IT | EN | DE | ES
- Thematic remarks
President of the Republic of Guinea
• Discours du Président de la République de Guinée à l'Assemblée de la Communauté de Sant'Egidio - Munich, le 11 septembre 2011
President of the Republic of Slovenia
- Contribution
Emeritus Chief Rabbi of Haifa, Israel
• Contribution IT | EN
Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church
• Contribution IT | EN
Member of Parliament, Malaysia
• Note/excerpt from Mr Anwar Ibrahim's speech IT | EN
12 Сентября 2011 09:00 ▾программа
- Chairperson
Cardinal, Archbishop of Munich and Freising
- Contribution
President and Director General of TOTAL, France
• Monaco di Baviera 2011 - Contributo di Christophe de Margerie IT | FR
Director of “Pharos Observatory. Cultural & religious pluralism”, France
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Italy
• L’Europa e la sua missione nel mondo di Mario Giro
Deputy Secretary General of the World Jewish Congress
• "Mission impossible" per l'Europa? IT | DE
President of the European Parliament
Catholic Bishop and Co-Prince of Andorra, Spain
• L'Europe et sa mission dans le monde entier, Joan-Enric Vives i Sicilia
12 Сентября 2011 14:00 ▾программа
- Introduction
Cardinal, Archbishop of Munich and Freising
- Keynote address
Historian, Founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio
• Andrea Riccardi Intervento in Assemblea Plenaria IT | ES | DE
Chancellor of the German Federal Republic
• Discorso di Angela Merkel Assemblea plenaria dell'Incontro di preghiera per la pace di Monaco, Herkulessaal, Monaco 12 settembre 2011
12 Сентября 2011 16:00 ▾программа
- Chairperson
American University of Beyrouth, Lebanon
- Contribution
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lebanon
Syrian Catholic Bishop, Lebanon
• Il mondo arabo e la libertà di Basilios Georges CASMOUSSA IT | FR
Islamic Theologian, Egypt
President of the National Coordination Body, Siria
Member of the National Transitional Council, Lybia
13 Сентября 2011 11:30 ▾программа
- Chairperson
University for Foreigners of Perugia, President of the Community of Sant’Egidio
• Ripensare il mondo oltre la crisi economica di Marco Impagliazzo
- Contribution
Cardinal, Archbishop of Munich and Freising
Consigliere e Amministratore delegato di Intesa Sanpaolo, Italia
• Ripensare il mondo oltre la crisi economica, Intervento di Corrado Passera
Ministro Federale delle Finanze, Germania
Ministro dell’Economia e delle Finanze, Italia