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October 2 2009

Indonesia - Solidarity of the Community of Sant'Egidio with the victims of the earthquake in Padang

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foto ReutersThe violent earthquake that hit in the past days the island of Sumatra, in Indonesia, had its epicentrum in the town of Padang, where it caused a lot of damage and a still indeterminate number of victims.

The Community of Sant'Egidio has been present in Padang for many years now.  Some persons of the Community lost the house, even if fortunately there is among them noone was seriously injured.
But the Community of Sant'Egidio in Padang has a lot of poor friends, of whom it has been taking care for many years:  they are the children of two Schools of Peace of Bukit Karang and Kampung Nias, the children in long distance adoption (about a hundred) and a lot of elderly, some of which live in the institute of Holy Maria, other in poor houses in the center of the town.

The difficulty of communication not yet allowed to put in contact with them all.

The other Communities of Indonesia immediately started a collection of funds for sending off help in the struck zone.
A group of people is departing from Jakarta, among whom the referents for long distance adoptions, to verify the situation of all these poor and of their families and find the better ways to help them.
Also the house of the Community in Padang, situated in the diocesan center, is at present unusable, but a house remained unbroken was made available to act as logistic center and of distribution of help.


(in Italy) post office account 807040
Comunità di S.Egidio-ACAP Onlus
IBAN: IT67D0760103200000000807040

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