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January 17 2014

World Day of Migrants and Refugees: Sant'Egidio celebrates with immigrants

The events and celebrations on the occasion of the Day. ALL THE EVENTS

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This year, the 100th World Day of Migrants and Refugees will be celebrated on 19 January. The Day has its origins in 1914, a few months before the outbreak of the First World War, when Pope Pius X, touched by the tragedy of millions of Italians emigrated abroad since the beginning of the century, called on all Christians to pray for migrants.

A century has passed since then, yet the migration phenomenon is more present than ever. The Community of Sant'Egidio, always close to those who come to our country in search for a better life, with the Peace People movement, will celebrate the Day with a series of initiatives and celebrations in different cities.

100th World Day of Migrants and Refugees

19 January 2014

5 pm - Holy Mass, Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere
6 pm - Party of People of Peace, via della Paglia 14

11.30 am - Holy Mass and then party. Lungomare Toscanelli, 184

11 am - Holy Mass and then friendship lunch. Parish of Santa Maria del Soccorso.
Multiethnic lunch with the students of the School of Italian Language and Culture of the Community of Sant'Egidio in the Parish of San Vito.
11 am - Holy Mass in the Institute S. Alessia in via Carlo Tommaso Odescalchi 38, and then lunch in the oratory of the parish San Filippo Neri in via delle Sette Chiese 101.



12.00 pm - Holy Mass, church of San Pietro Martire (Piazza R. Bonghi)

1:30 pm - multiethnic lunch, Basilica Inferiore di SS. Severino e Sossio (Largo San Marcellino)


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