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"Vive les Aines", a Campaign of Courtesy towards the elderly in Ivory Coast

From 12 to 18 May a series of initiatives to promote reconciliation between the different generations

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Ouelle is a small town in the east of Ivory Coast that lives on agriculture and trade. In this peaceful place, far from the capital Abidjan, a megalopolis of 4 million inhabitants, where there seems to be no serious social problems, the difficulty of the weakest is hidden. The elderly, until a few years ago venerated, at least in words, by the active part of the population, are less and less taken care of, if not abandoned, often hidden from the gaze of others, more and more alone in precarious houses.

 The Community of Sant'Egidio of Ouelle came into their homes to get to know them and, for some years, it has become a point of reference for them. But it has also discovered too many misconceptions surrounding the elderly in Ivory Coast, such as that of "eating the lives of others" due to the age they are and the grace they have to live, and that of being accused of witchcraft. Prejudices that often turn into real sentences for many of them, with serious consequences, not only marginalization but also beatings and even lynchings.


"Vive les Aines" aims to reconcile the population of Ouelle with its elders, proposing its youth and its adults to meet them and bring them together so as to rebuild with them a family made up of generations in harmony and not in conflict with each other.



May 12 - 16th: Launch of the campaign in the three most important schools of the city (the Lycée Moderne, ISAO and the college Etramphet)

May 14 to 16th: awareness campaign in the districts of the city

May 17th: conference on "Young and old, a necessary meeting", with the participation of experts and civil and religious authorities of the city.

May 18th: "Celebration des Ages" (final party in the village of Kodi, on the outskirts of Ouelle where the Community has been present for some years). All the population is invited.

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