From 4 to 6 July in L'viv, the annual conference of the Communities of Sant'Egidio in Ukraine (from the cities of Kiev, L'viv and Ivano-Frankivsk) was held. Considering the particularity of the moment that the country is going through, the conference concluded with a town prayer for peace in Ukraine and in all the lands in the church of Saints Peter and Paul, one of the oldest in the city centre.
The prayer was attended by over 300 people, including many poor people that have become friends of the community of L'viv and the young people of the movement of the "Youth for Peace", in these days on the road for the "Tour of solidarity" that will cross 10 cities of the country.
The emotion was great when they echoed the names of all the countries where conflicts are currently taking place, for each of which a candle was lit.
In Ukraine the demand for peace is becoming increasingly urgent, and the theme of peace itself has been the focus of the conference of the Ukrainian Communities of Sant'Egidio, which wondered how to answer the questions that this new historical phase of the country is asking.