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April 26 2010

The Community of Sant'Egidio organises two conferences in Hungary held by the writer Ceija Stojka, survived to the holocaust the rom population lived during the II World War.

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The Community of Sant'Egidio invited the Austrian writer Ceija Stojka to hold two fundamental conferences In Hungary the 22nd and the 23rd April in Budapest and in Pannonhalma respectively. Ceija Stojka survived the porrajmos, the holocaust the rom population lived during the II World War.

The first conference took place at the Benedictine secondary school at Pannonhalma, where the Abbot Asztrik Várszegi, among the others, warmly welcomed Mrs Stojka. The second conference, held in the capital, was jointly organised by the Community together with the Faculty of Theology at Pázmány Péter Catholic University of Budapest, and the auxiliary Bishop János Székely, who is responsible for the pastoral towards the rom population in the Hungarian Bishop Conference.

Both in Budapest and Pannonhalma, an attentive and large audience, mostly university and high school students.

Ceija Stojka witnessed the persecution, the deportation and the imprisonment in the stermination camps of Auschwitz, Ravensbrück e Bergen-Belsen. At that time she was a child in a large rom family who lost many of its members brutally killed. Beside narrating her story in an accurate and moving manner, she depicted the topicality of her experience in the 21st century.

"How is it possible at the beginning of the new century that in a number of European nations, the rom population, especially children and all those who are innocent, is still humiliated and maltreated, and sometimes killed, as it happened in Hungary, for the only reason of being rom? " She firmly extended an invitation to her young audience: “Leave my grandchildren live. More, help them living. You are my protection cloak. If you defend the gypsies, those who are weak, you will defend your own lives. You will then become a protective cloak for your own lives.”

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