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November 2 2011

"Building peace today to ensure the future": a conference in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) to raise awareness on non-violence

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tavola rotonda organizzata da Sant'Egidio sulla riconciliazione ad abidjanAfter the end of a long political crisis in April, in Ivory Coast the Community of Sant'Egidio continues to promote peace and reconciliation initiatives.
For nine years acts of severe violence and civil war split the country in two. For this reason the Communities of Abidjan, in particular, have been carrying out a full calendar of conferences in neighborhoods and places where there is still an atmosphere of tension and mutual distrust.

Saturday, 29th October a panel took place significantly within the "cité policière" of the Plateau, that is the city centre, a place inhabited by hundreds of employees of the Ivorian police force and their families.

The conference was titled "Building peace today to ensure the future" and was attended by two hundred people of different ages. In addition to the Community, the other speakers were representatives of the Diocese of Abidjan, the City, the young Muslims and finally the President of the Ivorian Imam Women Higher Committee.
A video was also presented on the "Spirit of Assisi", in memory of the interreligious meeting wanted by John Paul II in 1986, and remembered by Benedict XVI in its 25th anniversary on 27th October, with his visit in the city of San Francis.
At the end of the panel everyone agreed on the need to schedule another meeting and to carry on the work to raise awareness on non-violence, starting from the youth.

tavola rotonda organizzata da Sant'Egidio sulla riconciliazione ad abidjan tavola rotonda organizzata da Sant'Egidio sulla riconciliazione ad abidjan

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