In the neighbourhood of Neukölln in Berlin the traditional "summer party" took place, and with it the year of the School of Peace of the Community of Sant'Egidio has finished.
Neukölln is a difficult neighborhood in Berlin, where people of different cultures, religions and nationalities livet together among many problems. Neukölln is often a topic in the local and national sections of newspapers,which describe it it as a neighborhood that summarizes all theproblems of Germany in the integration of foreigners. The Community of Sant'Egidio has been running a school of peace in this neighbourhood for several years, whereGerman children and children who come from Turkey, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Equatorial Guinea, Bulgaria andRomania, learn German together and also how to grow together in friendship. There are also several Roma children among them.

The School of Peace in Neukölln is a small concrete sign of the fruits of those "culture of living together " which,starting with the children, may calm many tensions and change the face of a neighborhood. Few days before the party, the children had spent days ofholidays together with high school students and students of the Community of Sant'Egidio in a small German town. A special occasion to eat well, learn many things andmake friendship grow. Even during the summer, visits and excursions will be continued to the city of Berlin, a placethat many children do not know, even if they live there.