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October 22 2013 | BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC

"Francis of Assisi, a young man who meets the poor"

Youths of Central Europe reflect on the testimony of St. Francis today

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On last 12 October, at the invitation of the Community of Sant'Egidio, youths from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary met in Brno, the second largest city of the Czech Republic, to learn more about the figure of St. Francis, asking themselves how his testimony questions the life of today’s young generations.

It was the third meeting, after the one in Budapest and Bratislava, that gathered young people from these countries. Throughout the day, they reflected on the words and the gestures of St. Francis and, especially, on his encounter with the poor. In the evening, everyone gathered for common prayer, which was also attended by a small number of homeless people with whom the young communities have long woven a friendship.


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German President Steinmeier visits the Community of Sant'Egidio: ''make the world a peaceful place''

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September 1 2017

September 1st, memory of Saint Egidio. The Community that took his name give thanks in every part of the world

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August 26 2017

From the Ramblas the appeal for peace of the youth of Sant'Egidio

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In Barcelona the Youth for Peace remember the victims of the terrorist attack. LIVE h.18:30 at and Facebook

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August 23 2017

More Youth More Peace in Barcelona: European youth want peace

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Berlin's youth message to Europe: No More Walls

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