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October 31 2014 | ROME, ITALY

Integration and culture: the inauguration of the new school year of the School of Italian Language of Sant'Egidio

Hundreds of students from different countries and cultures at the conference of the beginning of the year with Marco Impagliazzo

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Yesterday they inaugurated the new school year of the School of Italian Language and Culture of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Rome. Hundreds of students from all over the world, from beginners to higher levels up to the cultural mediators, attended the lecture given by president of Sant'Egidio Marco Impagliazzo, who covered the 46-year history of the Community, so intertwined with the contemporary history of Rome and the world, performing a reading of his value to society today.

Community, For Free, Eurafrica, Trust, Peace, Dialogue are some of the words that characterise and describe the Community of Sant'Egidio, from the commitment to peace in the world to Africa, with the DREAM programmes for AIDS treatment in Africa and BRAVO!, which, in a few years, has registered over 3 million people, mostly children, in the civil registry of several African countries.

It was the first event in a series of monthly lectures given by experts on various current issues, such as peace or the death penalty in the world, for students of the School of Italian Language and Culture, which already has about 1800 members only in Rome in this school year just begun.



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