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July 21 2014 | CAMEROON

An agreement was signed between the Government of Cameroon and the Community of Sant'Egidio

to strengthen and ensure the presence and activities of the Community in the Country

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Firmato un accordo tra il governo del Camerun e la Comunità di Sant’EgidioAn important agreement between the Republic of Cameroon and the Community of Sant'Egidio was signed on 18 July in Yaounde, in the headquarters of the Ministry of External Relations. In addition to the Minister of External Relations, who signed the agreement, there were also the Minister of Health and the Minister of Land Affairs, together with representatives of the diplomatic corps and a large delegation of the Community of Sant'Egidio.

The agreement strengthens and guarantees the presence and activities of the Community in the country. During the ceremony, the Minister emphasised the importance of the work of the Community on the international scene, in particular the dialogue for peace in the region, and the daily work of the members of the Community in Cameroon in favour of the poorest and the most marginalised.

The Community of Sant'Egidio has been present in Cameroon since the 90s, in 12 cities across the country, and has about a thousand members, engaged in the schools of peace, in friendship with the elderly and the visiting of prisoners.

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